Friday, February 4, 2011

Shout-Out: Susan Tolson

Okay, I know that as the wife of a political appointee Ambassador, Susan Tolson is not exactly a career Foggy Bottom-er. However, I dare say she is the only current holder of a State badge to get this see at the Chanel show. Holy mother of Karl Lagerfeld! I like how she's all "oh, am I in the front row? I am a very serious person who talks to Anna Wintour and this other woman from Vogue whose name escapes me all the time. Let me know when the show starts."

When you Google her, there are a lot of pictures of her and her husband at fashion events, and there was a profile of her in Vogue, so she seems to be taking this quite seriously. Heck, it's France - I think it's good to show that we're not all tacky synthetic-wearers who don't know a tweed from a hounds tooth.

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