Monday, February 21, 2011

A Sartorial Tribute to Muammar Gaddafi

I'm glad his time has come. That said, Muammar Gaddafi is a man who knows what works for him and sticks to it. He rocks a Google Image search like no other world leader. As his plane presumably heads for Venezuela while he changes in to the African manjamas above, here are some of his best moments.

Sarko, I don't know why the contrast between his jacket and yours would make you uncomfortable.

Ladies Like Hearts


  1. The fashion watchers shall miss Uncle Moohmar when he's gone.

  2. I think Bono wants his glasses back and Joan Rivers her shoulder pads.

  3. I dont like his Style eather, but i hope that he is gone KICK Sarko's and Obama's ass!!!

    Enough is enough!!!

  4. Moohmar, you look mah-velous!
