Saturday, July 2, 2011

What to Wear When...

...walking out of court with your husband after he is suddenly granted bail and it's alleged the woman he allegedly raped may ACTUALLY allegedly be a hooker!

I hadn't considered this scenario very much before today, but this is about right:

It says "I am serious, I don't seem to feel too bad about any of this and SHE IS A HOOKER." (All of these allegations are from the NY Post, by the way - thanks to my parents for bringing it down from New York today.) I still don't really understand standing by your man in this context, when at the very least he had sex with someone at the Sofitel, but whatever. (This led to a long conversation with my mom at dinner about French woman and how she doesn't believe they actually tolerate this crap.) Anyway, I can't tell you what it going through Anne Sinclair's head right now, but she does look as good as possible, which is something. (Also, nice suit DSK, but I'm not surprised at all.)


  1. Color choice also important, it's black and white. No iffy, maybe he was kinda sorta guilty grey!

  2. Ok, I seriously LOVE your blog!
