Thursday, December 30, 2010

Next to "Chic" In the Arabic Dictionary

(Huffington Post)
Sheikha Mozah of Qatar, I have never seen you before, but you are just killing it in these three pictures. It's totally appropriate but totally glam. I particularly like the sunglasses/fur combo on the left - it's very Grace Kelly, if she had married a different prince who had even more money. While this is obviously couture, ladies, this proves that a conservative environment is no excuse for frump.
Check Spelling

Our Honorary Consul

If she worked in the FB, I would have lunch with her everyday, even though I bet she doesn't like burritos.

The 30 Degrees and Below Uniform

I am a firm believer that being a working adult in the wintertime requires leather, cashmere-lined gloves, of which I faithfully request and receive a pair every Christmas (thanks Mom!). In my first winter with an iPhone, however, I have discovered it's very hard to listen to my This American Life podcast, let alone dial a phone number, without removing the gloves, which often leads to dropping something else on the way down 23rd street in the morning or at least feeling a bit dishevelled. You can imagine my relief when I realized someone has invented a solution: I give you the Echo Touch glove.

Lined, it is not. They need to do that. A leather version would also be nice. However, I feel super cool every time I touch the screen and something actually happens.